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生化培養箱 250B數顯生化培養箱 微電腦程控 培養箱批發

生化培養箱 250B數顯生化培養箱 微電腦程控 培養箱批發

產品概述:250B biochemical culture box250B生化培養箱:是具有制冷、加熱控制的高精度恒溫設備,是細菌、霉菌微生物培養試驗的恒溫培養裝置。適用于生物工程、醫學研究、衛生防疫、環境保護、藥檢、畜牧、水產、院校、水體分析和BOD測定、植物栽培、保存等領域從事科研和生產使用…


250B biochemical culture box


  250B biochemical incubator: it is a high precision constant temperature equipment with cooling and heating control. It is a constant temperature culture device for the cultivation of bacteria and molds.Application in the field of biological engineering, medical research, health and epidemic prevention, environmental protection, drug testing, animal husbandry, aquatic products, colleges and universities, water analysis and the determination of BOD, plant cultivation and preservation of engaged in scientific research and production of the ideal equipment.Box body is made of high-quality steel plate production and, with plastic sprayed surface and liner using mirror stainless steel, semi circle four corners, easy to clean, the distance between the shelves in the cabinet can be, door with an observation window or toughened glass double doors; green products, environmental protection use brand compressor, fluorine free refrigeration, high efficiency, low energy consumption, promote energy-saving; brand breeze machine is composed of, advanced and reasonable, the temperature circulation system, the temperature in the box uniform.


Two, the main characteristics of biochemical incubator:


1, the box of the heat insulation material using polyurethane foam plastic, the external heat (cold) source has a strong anti-interference ability.


2, the inner cavity is made of engineering plastic molding process, and has strong anti corrosion ability.


3, glass box door to facilitate the observation of the inner cavity.


4, for the protection of refrigeration compressor, control circuit design has power protection and 4 minutes delay function.


5, temperature automatic control, using red LED display digital intuitive clear.

三、生化培養箱 技術指標:

Three, biochemical culture box technology index:

指標 250B

Index 250B

有效容積 250L

Effective volume 250L

溫控范圍 0—60℃

Temperature control range 0 - 65

溫度精度 +0.5℃

Temperature precision +0.5

壓縮機功率 250W

Compressor power 250W

加熱功率 250W

Heating power 250W

電 源 交流220V 50HZ

AC 50HZ 220V


Biochemical culture box details

生化培養箱 構造:

Biochemical culture box:


  Biochemical incubator structure uses the high quality stainless steel tank, hollow glass, thermal insulation material selection of polyurethane foam, good heat insulation, light weight, overall appearance, control system adopts microcomputer control, digital display, intuitive and accurate, high precision, temperature adjustment is convenient and reliable, illumination for observation.Light incubator, light strong and weak; also the constant temperature and humidity and humidity incubator.Refrigeration system for high quality fully enclosed compressor, refrigeration capacity, low noise, the box with high quality air blower device, forced air convection, the temperature distribution is more uniform.


Biochemical culture box use:


  Biochemical incubator for bacteria, fungi, microorganisms, tissue cells, cultivation and preservation; plant cultivation and seed breeding test; enzymology and enzyme engineering research; biological products, medicines, vaccines, blood and various specimens of preservation and test is the experimental equipment of the ideal of genetic engineering, medicine, agriculture, forestry, environmental science, animal husbandry, fishery, etc. production and scientific research departments.

生化培養箱 使用說明:

Use of Biochemical Culture box:


1, connected to power, power switch, power switch, the power indicator light.


2, the temperature control setting, please refer to the intelligent digital temperature controller manual.


3, such as the need to open the lighting switch.


4, the incubator has the function of protecting the breakpoint and a half hour delay function, the compressor starts again after the start up to a minute and a half.


Biochemical culture box maintenance and cultivation:


1, the incubator shell should be reliable grounding.


2, the incubator should be placed in a cool, dry, well ventilated, away from the heat and the sun.Place stable, in case of vibration noise.


3, in order to ensure the effective cooling of the condenser, the distance between the condenser and the wall should be greater than 100mm.The side of the box body shall have 50mm clearance, and the top of the box should be at least 30cm space.


4, the training box in the handling, maintenance, maintenance, should avoid collision, shaking the vibration; the maximum inclination is less than 45 degrees.


5, the instrument suddenly does not work, please check the fuse tube (box) is burnt out, check the power supply.

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